He That Will an Ale-House Keepe 1. He, that will an ale-house keepe, must have three things in store. A chamber and a feather bed, A chimney and a hey nony nony, Hey nony nony, hey nony no, hey nony no, hey nony no. A round for three voices by Thomas Ravenscroft. Published in 1611 in "Melismata; Musicall Phansies Fitting the Court, Citie, and Countrey Humours. To 3, 4, and 5 Voyces. To all delightfull, except to the Spitefull, To none offensive, except to the Pensive." (Melismata: "A passage of multiple notes sung to one syllable of text.") "Three Blind Mice" first appeared in another of Ravenscroft's collections.